That’s It

Five years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I struggled with the disease for about 2 years before I got it under control with medication (which included a steroid with horrible side effects). I recently started the Primal Blueprint and have never felt better. My diet has rendered the disease innocuous and I have not experienced any discomfort since starting the PB. Not only do I feel great, I am doing it with limited support from medication. I have cut my dosage by more than 75%. Normally, this substantial decrease in medication would send me into a excruciating relapse but the PB has my digestive and immune system functioning like its supposed to. To be able to live like a normal person and do normal things without the ominous threat of the disease on my mind has totally changed my life. Exercise, golf, skiing, softball… you name it!! All things I would not have attempted with the disease looming about.

I’ve tried A LOT to get the Crohn’s under control and I can honestly say the PB lifestyle has been more successful than all the medications, supplements and other diets I’ve tried.

Further proof that this lifestyle works and can do wonders for everyone. I think the one thing I like most about it is how EASY it really is. I think so many people would find it such a relief from their diet books and magazine articles. I think the toughest thing for people is to abandon mainstream ideas and “proven strategies” of healthy fitness and nutrition. I think your book will be a successful and effective vehicle in getting the message out. Can’t wait for its release!!!



I really can’t avoid the issue any longer: I’ve waffled about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet/Michael Eades’ Protein Power Lifeplan/various Paleo lifestyles long enough. They’re purported to cure allergies, burn off extra weight, eliminate panic attacks caused by wobbly insulin levels. Now I’ve found specific evidence about Crohn’s. It’s time to step up and take control of my diet (and the amount I exercise).

I’ve made this mistake time and time again, making a small “decision” and then failing to follow through. I’m weak. I’m human. But I gotta do it this time.

I can hear my summer roommate, who is quite the foodie, protesting already.

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