Sometimes, you need a swift kick in the pants. More often, you need that gentle encouragement of “you can do it” whispered in your ear. Especially when you’re making a big change to your diet or lifestyle. Maybe you are trying to form some new habits, including but not limited to: Diving into the Intro phase of […]
Month: June 2016
No One Cares More about You than YOU

One consequence of moving from paper-based medical files to electronic health records: people are lazy. Some medicos have gone to lengths to mitigate hospital security controls. Staff at one unnamed hospital put styrofoam coffee cups over proximity sensors in a bid to prevent automated log outs. One hospital charged the junior medico with pushing the […]
A RIDICULOUSLY clean mouth from Uncle Harry’s Toothpaste

I used to be constantly worried about my mouth. Probably 5% of my daily focus was spent worrying. My gums were puffy. Sometimes they hurt. They would bleed when I tried to floss. It was like my mouth was always angry. Red, patchy, puffy, spittin’ MAD. No amount of brushing (with Crest), flossing, or mouthwash seemed to help. […]
Talk About Poop
From James Altucher: The Physical Body: The shell we must take care of to live. It houses everything we do. And it’s pretty simple. We know when we are doing bad things to it. Too often we think, “Once I achieve X, Y, Z, goal, I’m going to get back in shape.” But it doesn’t […]
4 Ways to Move Fluid Around Your Body that Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
There’s a lot of things that your doctor can’t teach you during your 15 minutes together. One lesson that I never had with my gastroenterologist is this: you body is a dynamic system. Not static. Not stagnant. Dynamic. It’s meant to be moving, always. Breathing, in and out. Blood pumping. Lymphatic fluid circulating. Food being digested […]
Put a Pin on It
Technically, this pin is a reference to The Smiths, and not to my own Crohn’s disease, but I’m the kind of person who would wear it anyway. Of course, when you do wear a pin like this some of your conversations will be explaining that no, in fact I’m not a huge Morrissey fan but let me tell you everything […]
That Wonky, In-Between Stage
You know that itch you get to rearrange your furniture at 9 o’clock at night? When you have this vision of how–let’s say your bed–can better fit your space. How it, if you’d only just rearrange a teeny little bit, would give you better sleep and more rest and everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The […]
Start the Week with Links
Some bloggers use link posts as filler, but other bloggers’ links post are spectacular and I look forward to them every week. Instead of using links as an end-of-week roundup, I figure a Sunday post would be cool to provide some food for thought for the week and to kick off any weekly projects or […]
Are You a Patient?
James Altucher posted some thoughts on civilian life this morning: I was a civilian for a long time. I worked in my cubicle, hoping to get a raise … a promotion. Sometimes the cubicle changed and it would be a new title, new company, new “friends”, new employee handbook. New boss to choose whether […]
Anticipate the Hangover
When you drink too much, you get a hangover. When you stay up way too late, you’re tired the next day. When you eat too much, you get full and uncomfortable. There are always consequences. You may not like it. You definitely don’t want it. But the consequence is there just the same. One of my […]