Now, mitochondria recently came up in a Twitter discussion of obesity. In order to burn fat, it’s not YOU that does the work, it’s your MITOCHONDRIA. That’s great, but what about those of us who don’t need to burn fat? To explore this, we must first as the question: What does our mitochondria do for us? Mitochondria are […]
Month: February 2017
More reasons to avoid food additives
Looks like titanium dioxide (yes, that stuff in sunscreen–they also put it into food) should be added to the list of stuff to keep out of our food. Science Daily reports on a new study that shows that: Titanium dioxide crosses the intestinal barrier and passes into the bloodstream Titanium dioxide alters intestinal and systemic […]
“Fake News” isn’t going far enough
The problem with the idea of “fake news” is that it gives us this idea that it’s a simple fix–stop reporting wrong facts–instead of something much deeper. And yet, people (publications especially), like to pat themselves on the back because they’re not “the other guys:” Science in its current state isn’t exactly keeping us safe […]
Antibiotic Resistance
Medicine is not science. Science is never settled. Even things we take for granted (like “always finish your entire course of antibiotics“) aren’t set in stone. The rationale behind this commandment has always been that stopping treatment too soon would fuel the development of antibiotic resistance — the ability of bugs to evade these drugs. Information […]
Admire the beauty of your digestive system
Sometimes we don’t appreciate the beauty of what you have until it’s translated into a different medium. Our guts are delicate, running like threads through our bodies. They deserve our care and attention. Art by Sarah Illenberger.
Permission to Improve
The Teaching Tales of Milton Erickson are absolutely fascinating — a testament to the power of our own minds in both the beginning and end of our physical troubles. Erickson was a hypnotist (and somehow I don’t have a problem with that) who used his powers for good, in psychotherapy. His stories are incredibly motivating, […]
Bathroom Tax
This morning I bought a cup of coffee from a small chain restaurant in exchange for using their bathroom. I gave away the coffee. Is $2 a fair exchange rate for bathroom access? In a strictly accounting sense, probably not. But would I rather trade $2 for peace of mind and not having to go […]
The Inescapable Jail of Chronic Illness

My commute home from work has become a choreographed dance routine, a formation composed of transportation interspersed with side trips to public bathrooms. The timing works perfectly–step off the train, waddle to the bathroom, and get back just in time to catch the next train. It’s one of the many routines I’ve developed to cope with […]