You never know how life is going to turn out—who would’ve predicted that 2020 was the year of pandemic?
Certainly not me.
If you also have a dodgy immune system, and have hunkered down to avoid getting sick at all costs, why not use the upcoming week to—
—go to bed at 8:00 pm every night, to reset your circadian rhythm?
—explore the delicious side of gut-healing nutrition, and make a master stock with Brad Leone?
—take 10 minutes this morning to take 10 deep breaths, focusing on inviting oxygen in, and expelling carbon dioxide out? Deep breathing will help your body (and mind) feel at rest.
—talk to someone dear to you? Use your cell for its original purpose and call your mom, your sister, your roommate from two years ago. Talk. Reconnect. Strengthen that bond.
—review your daily routine? Sketch out a normal—not an aspirational—day. Then, as yourself: What activities are necessary? Which ones are helpful to me? Where are sticky points where I don’t make good choices?