Problems are only solvable when they are known. That sounds like a “duh” statement, but think about it for a minute. Say you take your car to the shop. The mechanic pops the hood and looks around the engine. After a few minutes, wiping his greasy hands on a rag, the mechanic says: “I don’t […]
Month: April 2020
How I changed my habits and got my life back
Hello friends, and welcome to real-time commentary in about changing patterns of living. As part of my healing journey, the biggest mindset shift was was how I approached change. You see, all my life I tended to use the “negative” approach to change. I would identify a Bad Habit, set out a black and white […]
Quarantine Health Tracker (a quaranZINE)

What is a ZINE, you ask? It’s a mini-magazine that you can download for free, print, and fill out.
Does your doctor hate you?
Let’s conduct an experiment. An internet mad-lib, if you will. Once upon a time, James Altucher wrote an influential book called Choose Yourself, encouraging people’s inner entrepreneurs. One of the central lessons of the book is “your boss hates you.” Over the years, he has compiled a long-running list of reasons why. Now, let’s switch […]
Give Yourself a Gold Star

On the long journey to healing, sometimes you get lost. You know how during the pandemic quarantine, the days start to blur together? Today is a day, but you don’t know which day. Today is similar to yesterday—you’re similar activities, with similar outcomes. The same people around you. Similar close on your body. No major […]
Bureaucracy is not Healthcare

The coronavirus pandemic is not all bad. We can learn many lessons from it. One of those lessons is about the American healthcare system.
Celebrate the Risen Christ

Today is the day we celebrate the risen Christ—behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. I am reminded that my ability to heal comes from the power of God: the ability to bring things from death into life. From sickness to health. From sorrow to joy. From darkness into […]
How to Quit a Bad Habit without Feeling like a Failure

How can I prevail over an adversary more powerful than? How do I overcome my arch-nemesis, the Bad Habit?
I stop fighting, that’s how.
Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wind in the Door” is a book about healing

What can YA scifi/fantasy teach us about the healing process? A LOT, it turns out.
Try NUXE Multi-Purpose Body Oil (even if you have sensitive skin)

Officially, the notes are orange flower, magnolia, and vanilla—unofficially, it smells like my future.