Often, when we are first diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, our doctor will tell us about how there is no cure. It can be managed with drugs or other treatments—maybe even put into remission—but that it’s a life sentence. Is that actually true? It depends on who you ask. From the conventional medical standpoint, the body […]
Month: June 2020
Try a guided meditation

There’s nothing like something extra in the day to make it feel special. Sometimes, very little extra effort (save that energy for healing!) can yield a very big reward. This week, why don’t you… …try a guided meditation I appreciate this moment from Dawson Church because it focuses on your body, and love. Have you […]
Resource: Mark’s Daily Apple

Mark Sisson is one of the OGs of the low-carb movement. What originally started as a blog, Mark’s Daily Apple, has since grown into an entire way of “primal living:” a community, multiple books, a podcast, even food products from his brand Primal Kitchen. (Bless Mark for creating the Primal Kitchen Avocado Mayo—so good.) The […]
You can do it
Really. You can. Don’t think too much about it: focus only on the next step. One foot in front of the other. Heel. Push through to the ball of your foot. One movement at a time. One task at a time. One at a time. Keep going. You only need to push through one thing. […]