Try a guided meditation

There’s nothing like something extra in the day to make it feel special. Sometimes, very little extra effort (save that energy for healing!) can yield a very big reward. This week, why don’t you…

…try a guided meditation

I appreciate this moment from Dawson Church because it focuses on your body, and love. Have you taken the time to love your guts today?

…eat fish instead of meat for a week or two

Fish gives you a different energy than beef or pork—a different outlook. Changing up your diet could change up your mindset.

…wake up early tomorrow and do a simple circuit workout

Get that blood flown’ early in the morning. Holls Fowler has created a series of autoimmune-friendly workouts, or Anna Victoria has some good ones if you’re ready for something more intense.

…buy yourself fresh flowers at the market

Even a $5 bouquet of freesia. I have a bouquet of peonies on my desk right now that bring a burst of joy in my heart when I look at them.

…read a book with vivid, evocative descriptions

Books are a gift that can transport us to new worlds, even when we don’t have the energy to go adventuring in real life. For extravagant sensory imagery, I recommend the writing of Ruth Reichel or Robin McKinley.

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