Goals. We all have them. We all want to achieve them. What are your goals? When I’m considering my goals, I find it helpful to embed them in the larger picture of my life: what I value, and what I’ve already achieved.Looking at my goals with this lens helps me feel confident that 1) my […]
Make it Fun
Quarantine Health Tracker (a quaranZINE)

What is a ZINE, you ask? It’s a mini-magazine that you can download for free, print, and fill out.
Give Yourself a Gold Star

On the long journey to healing, sometimes you get lost. You know how during the pandemic quarantine, the days start to blur together? Today is a day, but you don’t know which day. Today is similar to yesterday—you’re similar activities, with similar outcomes. The same people around you. Similar close on your body. No major […]
Madeleine L’Engle’s “A Wind in the Door” is a book about healing

What can YA scifi/fantasy teach us about the healing process? A LOT, it turns out.