There are criteria that make you pick a doctor: a recommendation from a friend, a referral from another trusted physician, internet research. It’s also good to know when to UNpick a doctor. Some of those are obvious: You stop seeing a specialist for cancer when you no longer have cancer. You stop seeing a pediatrician […]
Thinking Ahead
Bureaucracy is not Healthcare

The coronavirus pandemic is not all bad. We can learn many lessons from it. One of those lessons is about the American healthcare system.
How I got my doctor to take me seriously
Friends, I hate “one simple trick!” stories, but this really is one simple trick.It’s not even a trick, really. I discovered it by accident. To tell you about it, let’s go back to 2014. I was starting to get serious about finding out what worked for me. At that point, there were a lot of […]
Yup…Today Sucked
I’m planning to try out a sauna this week, and had been discussing that fact with a coworker. As we walked out of work this evening, I said: “You know, maybe I will go to the sauna on Friday instead of Wednesday so that if I crash and burn afterward, it’ll be on the weekend.” […]
Public Bathroom Etiquette
Usually, in a public bathroom, you don’t talk to anybody. Just do your business, turn around, and get out. Most of the time, your business is pretty quick, quiet, and not incredibly stanky. TMI alert. These last few weeks, I’ve been having a bit of trouble with my bowel movements. They’re a bit out of my […]
Fighting the Health Insurance System
One of the things that frustrates me most about health insurance: when you need it most, you’re less able to deftly navigate the system: “You have the right to independent medical review, but how good are you going to be at taking advantage of it if you’ve got cancer?” said Dustin Berger, an attorney in […]
No One Cares More about You than YOU

One consequence of moving from paper-based medical files to electronic health records: people are lazy. Some medicos have gone to lengths to mitigate hospital security controls. Staff at one unnamed hospital put styrofoam coffee cups over proximity sensors in a bid to prevent automated log outs. One hospital charged the junior medico with pushing the […]
Anticipate the Hangover
When you drink too much, you get a hangover. When you stay up way too late, you’re tired the next day. When you eat too much, you get full and uncomfortable. There are always consequences. You may not like it. You definitely don’t want it. But the consequence is there just the same. One of my […]
Shamelessly bringing your own dinner to a black-tie wedding
You know all those stories about old ladies bringing tupperware or ziplock bags to parties and stealing leftovers? You feel bad for them, but at cringe at the same time. I’m the opposite of those old ladies. I bring my own food to fancy parties. Non-fancy parties, too. Anywhere there’s food that I can’t eat […]