The last Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America conference I attended…it must have been 15 years ago. I did attend a CCFA nutrition education session a year ago which was straight-up doctors office propaganda, as expected. I doubt much has changed, but I’m interested nonetheless. These events are always good for meeting people. 2017 Crohn’s […]
Does the Silver Bullet Exist?
A few years ago, I gave up on finding a cure for Crohn’s. I distinctly remember the conversation I had with a friend. We ate at Little Big Burger, where she had a cheeseburger and crispy fries drizzled with truffle oil…and I had a plain burger on a lettuce wrap. I was jealous of her […]
50 Shades of Gut Pain
Today, or rather at 1am last night, as I sat on the toilet for the first time that night, I started to ponder all the different “moods” of my gut. There are so many of them, and I have learned to parse out their different meanings so they are very helpful to me. What I’m […]
- Food
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Fiber: Friend or Foe?
When you’re diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and having a hard time, your doctor will often put you on a low-fiber or low-residue diet. Same difference, really. Basically, eat soft, mushy, bland food – and lots of carbohydrates. Rice! Toast! Don’t eat a lot of vegetables! And honestly, this works. Pre-digesting your food as much as […]
When You Find a Yoga Flow for a Healthy Gut
…immediately post to your blog so you don’t forget it. Don’t bother watching or trying it. Yeah, yoga!
Pavlovian Diarrhea
Every since yesterday, I’ve been thinking about the psychological underpinnings of diarrheic urgency. Why is it that I can play chicken with myself all day, but not feel that gotta go gotta go gotta go feeling until I am literally unlocking my door? How is it that most of the time (with a few legitimate exceptions) […]
Playing Chicken With My Own Intestines
The rumble started as I put on my shoes. I listened closer: not quite drop everything and get to the bathroom levels, more along the lines of polite gas advisory. It was time to leave. I had to make a decision. I decided to chance it. Walk to the train stop. Catch the train. Transfer […]
Sugar Propaganda
While “Big Soda” might be a bit of a simplification (the problems with nutrition-legislation are much more widespread), research funded by sugar begets sugar propaganda: Those promoting Big Soda’s view of nutrition consistently claim that chronic disease is “complicated.” Is this true? While all human diseases are “complex” in the sense that they involve detailed and […]
Yup…Today Sucked
I’m planning to try out a sauna this week, and had been discussing that fact with a coworker. As we walked out of work this evening, I said: “You know, maybe I will go to the sauna on Friday instead of Wednesday so that if I crash and burn afterward, it’ll be on the weekend.” […]
(Lack of) Taking it Easy
I often live with this idea that I need to do everything perfectly. It’s not enough simply to just do it, it must be done well. And that doesn’t apply only to days when I’m feeling good, but it also applies to every day when I’m not feeling great. Over the years, I’ve learned how […]